Waspada itu perlu.............
Ternyata tanaman hias yang ada di rumah kita mungkin saja berbahaya bagi manusia. Yuk, ikuti ceritanya........
Saya tahu bahwa daun tanaman ini menyebabkan gatal jika yang getah (spt susu) menyentuh kulit Anda. Namun ada fakta yang lebih berbahaya ttng tanaman ini!, silahkan membaca rincian di bawah ini.
Mungkin berguna untuk Anda. Anda lebih baik percaya. Silakan baca di bawah ini.
Salah satu teman saya “hampir kehilangan putrinya” yang menaruh sepotong daun tanaman ini dalam mulutnya dan lidahnya membengkak sampai ke titik mati lemas. Ini adalah salah satu tanaman tetapi ada juga tanaman lain dengan karakteristik yang sama dari pewarnaannya. Mereka juga beracun dan kita harus menyingkirkan mereka. Harap hati-hati untuk anak-anak kita. Seperti yang kita semua meninggalkan anak-anak kita di rumah di tangan pengasuh, kita harus memberi mereka lingkungan yang aman di mana mereka bisa bermain.
Nama: Dumb Cane atau Dieffenbachia
"Ini tanaman yang kita miliki di rumah kami dan kantor sangat berbahaya Tanaman ini biasa tumbuh di Rwanda! Ini adalah racun mematikan, yang paling khusus untuk anak-anak. Hal ini dapat membunuh seorang anak dalam waktu kurang dari satu menit dan dewasa dalam 15 menit . Ini harus dicabut dari kebun dan dibawa keluar dari kantor. Jika tersentuh, jangan pernah seseorang sampai tersentuh matanya, karena dapat menyebabkan kebutaan parsial atau permanen "
Dumbcane is a tropical member of the Araceae family. It is a popular indoor ornamental in Nova Scotia because it tolerates low light and dry heat. Like other arums, dumbcane contains oxalate crystals. If eaten, the leaves may cause burning, swelling in the mouth and throat, and choking, accompanied by a temporary loss of speech, hence its common name. Fortunately, merely handling the plant is probably safe. Both pets and people are sensitive.
The greatest concentration of the toxin occurs in the leaves.POISON TYPE
Calcium oxalate, a compound derived from oxalic acid, as well as enzymes that trigger the release of histamine in the bloodstream of persons who ingest the leaves. Oxalates are needle-like crystals, which, when eaten, may pierce the mouth, throat, and digestive tract as they pass through, causing, at the very least, intense discomfort.TYPICAL POISONING SCENARIO
The main problem lies with infants, toddlers, or pets who, once attracted to the showy flowers and foliage, may nibble on the leaves. If arums are kept out of curious mouths, there is little further risk, as they are quite safe to handle.SYMPTOMS
Even small doses of oxalate toxin is enough to cause intense sensations of burning in the mouth and throat, swelling, and choking.In larger doses, oxalate causes severe digestive upset, breathing difficulties, and—if enough is consumed—convulsions, coma, and death. Recovery from severe oxalate poisoning is possible, but permanent liver and kidney damage may have occurred.
OxalatesOxalates are unstable salts of oxalic acid. When eaten, they break down to release the highly poisonous acid.
The sour flavour of sorrel (Rumex species), wood sorrel (Oxalis), and even rhubarb is due to the presence of the acid.
Some plants may contain differing amounts of potassium or calcium salts, rendering them unsafe, particularly in the buckwheat and goosefoot families.
Sumber :
1. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=420336321392165&set=a.355624517863346.88600.100002474015126&type=1&ref=nf
2. http://museum.gov.ns.ca/poison/default.asp?section=species&id=88
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